Predatory birds can be difficult to fight off when it comes to your chickens, but there are ways to minimize losses among free range birds. If your birds are not free ranged, you can eliminate losses completely; but most homesteaders prefer to free range their larger flocks of birds, as a loss here and there

Putting up a fence is hard work. It’s also incredibly expensive the first time around. If you don’t plan your fence correctly, you could run into problems and breaches very quickly. It just doesn’t make for a very good time on the homestead, especially whenever you have a lot of animals to contain or animals

Throughout the mid and late 1900’s, many farmers found a way to reuse what they had on the farm, including motor oil. During hard times, especially when it came to farming families, sometimes “making due with what you have” was all the farmer could do to stretch his or her resources. They would up-cycle the