Do you deal with an angry, hateful rooster every single day? Do you get challenged, chased, pecked, or even spurred? Does he make it nearly impossible to finish chores on the homestead? I know how the story goes, and I know how common this chicken owner’s “rite of passage” is among new homesteaders. Aggressive roosters

Goats are amazing animals for even the smallest homesteads. They can thrive on very little land, or run free on vast expanses. In return, your dairy goats will give you delicious milk and cheese. Your meat goats will supply your family with a wonderful source of protein. The brush goats will reward you with a

Putting up a fence is hard work. It’s also incredibly expensive the first time around. If you don’t plan your fence correctly, you could run into problems and breaches very quickly. It just doesn’t make for a very good time on the homestead, especially whenever you have a lot of animals to contain or animals