Garlic is pretty delicious in… well, everything. Can you name many savory foods that don’t pair well with garlic? Probably not! Garlic tends to be a rather slow crop for homesteaders, especially the first time around. But, garlic plants will reward their loving, attentive owners with an incredible gift…. A secret, delicious harvest of scapes!

harvesting sweet potatoes youtube

Rosemary. Rosmarinus officinalis. Affectionately “Dew of the Sea” in Latin, also referred to as “Anthos” in Greek, or “flower.” It makes a delicious, comforting roasted chicken, especially when it’s plucked straight from the homestead garden. Walk through the Rosemary bed on a warm summer day, and you’ll be greeted with an aromatic burst of the

Goats are amazing animals for even the smallest homesteads. They can thrive on very little land, or run free on vast expanses. In return, your dairy goats will give you delicious milk and cheese. Your meat goats will supply your family with a wonderful source of protein. The brush goats will reward you with a

Okra is amazing, especially when its many pods are cut up, battered, and fried. Okra, in all of its golden, delicious, and tender glory, is also one of the easiest plants to grow on our homestead. It’s one of the most prolific, too; I begin to dislike okra pods as the season comes to a

Putting up a fence is hard work. It’s also incredibly expensive the first time around. If you don’t plan your fence correctly, you could run into problems and breaches very quickly. It just doesn’t make for a very good time on the homestead, especially whenever you have a lot of animals to contain or animals

The sweltering, baking sun begins to lessen the intensity of its summertime rays. The heat embracing crops have become brittle, their youthful production now a distant memory, leaving a mottled sea of green and brown foliage over the spent garden bed. Children are heading back to school with their new backpacks and jackets, romancing the

uncurable verticillium wilt fungus killing herb plant

I love pasta. Lasagna. Spaghetti and Meatballs. Chicken Parmesan. Guess what? Most pasta dishes include basil. Basil is one of the hallmark ingredients of many Italian dishes; and it is absolutely delicious. Basil grows quickly, and is fairly easy to grow. Seriously, every new gardener should try it. However, as with any other plant that

As the weather warms up and the fruits are gently harvested from our lush vegetable plants,Ā  we notice that the ants like to slip into our homes “unnoticed” in search of an easy, fresh meal. They know we’re doing all of the hard work, and that our counters are the perfect place to find a

Have you recently walked out to your coop and noticed that your hens were having a bad hair day? A REALLY bad hair day? With feathers everywhere and your hens looking absolutely ragged and homeless, it might look like a war has erupted between all of the chickens on your homestead. Welcome to the world

Persimmons are commonly talked about throughout the North American homesteading community, especially as a fruit tree. However, you rarely hear about the leaves of a persimmon tree, unless you take a trip into Asia. Did you know that those little leaves pack quite the punch, both nutritionally and in the sense of natural/herbal remedies? Let’s

I know that I cannot possibly be the only person that gets this excited just because…. The gardening catalogs arrived!!! All of the berry bushes. The fruit and nut trees. The special seed deals. The exotic and fun fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Bulbs, galore! Does it just give you that warm, fuzzy feeling too? Doesn’t

This is a largely taboo topic in the homestead world. On one side of the coin, you have people who strongly discourage using human urine as fertilizer in the garden. They are most concerned about disease, and it’s just plain grossĀ if I can be bluntly honest. However, with the homesteaders we are, we believe in

Having a single dairy cow on a homestead can prove to be quite the challenge: how are you going to use up all of that spare milk?! Even a die-hard milk fan will have a hard time working through a gallon of milk on a daily basis. I cannot fathom drinking glasses and glasses of