Homesteading can be pretty expensive; I’m not going to lie. In order to get many of the things we need or want (without spending a fortune, because it’s easy to do here and there!), I had to find a few loopholes. Some of these methods are obvious, others take a bit of experience…. All of

So, you visited the feed store…  And you came home with not only chicks, but ducklings, too. Hey, we’ve all done it! (and some of us will CONTINUE to do it…) Now you’re stuck in a predicament: two species, one brooder. So naturally, here you are. You need to know if the ducklings and chicks

Chickens are one of the most popular, iconic, flexible, and functional features of the historical homestead. Some modern homesteads only keep them for egg production and pets; but if your homestead is geared towards the historic style of self sufficiency (producing and making use of everything that your land can handle, including meat), you’re probably