Spacing tomatoes properly is vital for their success; but, did you know that how you grow, prune, train, and trellis them are going to impact their spacing requirements? For many homesteaders, the goal is to fit as many plants as are needed into as small of a space as possible, while maximizing yields and minimizing

So, you visited the feed store…  And you came home with not only chicks, but ducklings, too. Hey, we’ve all done it! (and some of us will CONTINUE to do it…) Now you’re stuck in a predicament: two species, one brooder. So naturally, here you are. You need to know if the ducklings and chicks

Asparagus is a delicious perennial vegetable that every homestead should grow if given the opportunity. It will provide the family with food for decades, as long as the asparagus is not out-competed. As the plants grow older, the ferns grow bigger; but what DO you do with those massive asparagus ferns? Do you just leave

Nearly every homestead has a strawberry patch, hidden somewhere around the home or main garden. Strawberries are simply delicious when grown at home, nothing like their unripe grocery store counterparts. They are sweeter, more flavorful, and  softer! However, growing strawberries seems to take an eternity when you don’t have much patience. ……… Who am I kidding?

As much as we’d all hate to admit it, the winterpocalypse is coming. I know, I know. I’m terrible for even bringing it up. However, we all need to begin prepping for the winter season during fall, and it’s ideal to have a plan in motion before the time comes. That chore list of yours